
Cult Torture (Ritual Abuse) & Programming

Cult Torture

Ritual abuse is frequent, prolonged, and systematic physical, sexual, and psychological torture used to control children and adults that uses mind control, calculated torture, rituals, and an ideology within an organized secret group setting. The abuse is used to harm, manipulate, control, and indoctrinate the victim, and ensure her long-term silence, co-operation, and participation. Ritual abuse is perpetrated to gain complete control over the victim, and to gain power and money. Ritual abuse often includes, within rituals: . . . .

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Since cult torture (aka ritual abuse) involves extreme, repeated physical, sexual, and psychological abuse and torture, survivors often display signs and symptoms common to those types of abuse, as well as signs that are specific to cult abuse and torture. For a more detailed look at what happens in cult abuse, see this article.

Once a survivor gets safe and begins to heal some of the signs, symptoms, and triggers will dissipate, but there are often long-lasting mental health issues as a direct result of the torture including but not limited to DID or OSDD, c-PTSD or PTSD, depression, anxiety, suicidal ideation, suicide attempts, self-harm, eating disorders, etc.

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Programming/Mind Control

Programming is the use of focused mind control and torture used to instill and reinforce precise messages and/or specific learned responses by organized cults. It is a deliberate, calculated, and extreme form of manipulation and control. In organized ritual abuse, programming is usually integrated into the extreme torture and abuse that begins at birth or at an early age….

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Programming involves a message or series of messages (often accompanied by sensory, emotional, or body memories) that repeat or resonate inside a survivor’s mind at a certain cue or trigger (delivered by personalities who were trained, through torture, to do that). Programming is a deliberate tool used by cults to control….

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It makes a lot of sense that many ritual abuse survivors, at some point, feel the desire to die or to kill ourselves. It is a natural response to prolonged extreme torture and abuse—needing the pain to stop. Thus the desire to die may be an emotional memory, not a desire from the present. However, this feeling may also be part of programming. The desire to die is something that cults intentionally exploit, telling us that the only way to escape the pain is to die. They instill the desire and messages in us through intense and repeated torture and programming….

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A personal plea: if you are speaking out against QAnon I’m glad, but PLEASE don’t discredit satanic cult survivors while doing so. We are still fighting to be believed and heard, even after everything we’ve survived.

Misinformation is a powerful tool used to discredit people speaking out about oppression and misuse of power, and because it usually draws on people’s insecurities and feelings of powerlessness, it often spreads quickly.

QAnon creates and spreads conspiracy theories, including that Trump is supposedly fighting a secret band of pedophiles, satanic child-sex trafficking rings, and murderers who are high-ranking US Democrat politicians, Hollywood actors, and philanthropists. This is particularly absurd when the people QAnon are targeting are fighting against oppression, and Trump is the one who is openly spreading hatred, racism, homophobia, misogyny, and violence, while  encouraging white supremacy.

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