For the Little Ones Inside 
A wonderfully healing, loving site. The cards by Robyn are so wise, nurturing, and loving; they move me when I read them, and echo the wise parts inside of me. And there is so much more there to explore! Robyn now has a book out: “Go Only As Fast As Your Slowest Part Feels Safe To Go” with stories that give the background to each of the wise cards, and you can find many of those stories on her website through “Pathways” or “TaleFinder” as Robyn talks openly and bravely about her past and her process of healing. She also has a new site Compassionate Ink

Margie Adam, songwriter
Need some inspiring, soothing, nurturing, playful, soul-lifting music? Check out Margie Adam’s site. She has sound clips to her beautiful music (click on “The Avalon Project”). Some of my favourites when I’m feeling in need of comfort are Beautiful SoulSweet Friend of Mine, and Tender Lady, (from her album The Best of Margie Adam) …and when I need some light and playfulness, Would You Like to Tapdance on the Moon? just hits the spot. And her song Best Friend – The Unicorn Song really speaks to me as well. Of course, there’s much more to look at here. If you’ve never heard her sing, check out her site!

Planet Sark
Do you like Sark’s artwork and books? (I love the colours she uses and the things she says! She’s so affirming!) Then check out her site. You can read up on SARK, buy her work, and post on the very supportive, encouraging bulletin board. 

Verbal Remedies
Verbal remedies has some really good reminders for us all — like “speak your truth,” and “have the courage to be vulnerable” told through beautiful, colourful art, and some good in depth articles.

Inspiration & Positivity

The Dodo
One of my favorite places to go to for a break, The Dodo has feel-good videos of animals and people helping animals.

Good News Network
Read some good news for a change, with positive, uplifting stories, and get inspired by people caring about others and making a difference. Another of my favorite sites.

A great good-news paper that has print versions (for a fee), a FREE email newsletter, and a podcast.  Fill your time with positive news stories that uplift you! They also give 1% of their sales to environmental organizations that do good in the world.

The Happy Newspaper
Need to hear some positive news? Me, too. You can follow The Happy Newspaper on Instagram or their site to see some excerpts of happy news, or subscribe to their print happy newspaper (for a fee) that brings happy and kind mini news stories to you. They also have an online shop where they sell positive prints, mugs, and all sorts of delightful items like their rainbow clip photo holder.

Giraffe Heroes
Read about different Giraffe Heroes – people, both young and old, and from many races, religions and backgrounds, who stuck their necks out for the common good. (Click on the suitcase, then on “Profiles of Giraffe Heroes” to read about some of the stories.)

Marisa Peer, Hypnotherapy
Marisa Peer is Britain’s #1 hypnotherapist who offers huge positive change, depth, and help through her hypnotherapy recordings. Listening to her recordings helped me have a positive mindset for myself – not just for others – for the first time in my life.

Sahaja Yoga Meditation – Free Meditation
Sahaja Yoga offers free meditation classes throughout the world, as well as information online.

Inspirational Quotes

Inspiration Peak
Inspiration Peak has a multitude of inspirational quotes organized in easy-to-find sections – courage, joy, kindness, dreams, and more. There are also some inspirational stories. Some beautiful quotes here!
Possibly the largest creative and inspirational quote archive on the internet, this site has a lot of inspirational, creative quotes and ecards organized in many different sections, including creative quotations by creative women.

Daily Celebrations
Life is a celebration of passionate colors. This site features a theme (such as love, dreams, courage) and a person from history who accomplished that theme, every day. You can view all the past themes in the archives, and sign up for the free newsletter.

Follow Your Dreams
Lots to inspire, here! There are LOTS of inspirational quotations from dreamers throughout history, inspirational fine art ecards, and daily inspirational quotes.
Meditation quote of the day. Read the meditation quote of the day, or download a collection of the past meditation quotes in one of the ebooks. You can also pick a meditation tarot card (both fun and insightful, if you allow it to be. 🙂 You can also sign up for a meditation tip of the week, read up on meditation, and more.

Girl Positive, Women Positive

New Moon Magazine: For Girls and Their Dreams
A very affirming, girl-positive magazine for girls.  This is a magazine for girls who have depth…a thinking, feeling, soulful magazine.

They also have a nice section for parents of girls, and have some of their articles online.

About Face
“About-Face promotes positive self-esteem in girls and women of all ages, sizes, races, and backgrounds through a spirited approach to media education, outreach, and activism.” A great site that helps girls and women combat negative images of women in the media, and helps them get involved.

Powered By Girl
Online magazine by girls for girls, with book recommendations.

Beauty Redefined
You are more than a body.

You have the right to be who you are, wherever you are. Together we can end harassment.


Ted Talks On Creativity
Get inspired by talks on creativity. So many great videos here with inspiring, thoughtful talks.

Boosting Your Creativity In 10 Great Ways
Article on ways to boost your creativity.

Here’s How Creativity Actually Improves Your Health
Articles reminding us of the importance of creativity. 

Fun For Kids & Inner Kids

Two Sides To Every Story
The kids in me just love this little story, because they DO remember how to play. It feels (to us) totally validating of kid parts inside (and their importance).

The Land of Cyke (Cyber Knowledge and Emotion)
A really nice, positive site for kids using FUN games to learn about emotions. 

New Moon Magazine: For Girls and Their Dreams
A very affirming, girl-positive magazine for girls. This is a magazine for girls who have depth…a thinking, feeling, soulful magazine.

Rose Is Rose
Rose Is Rose is one of my favourite comic strips. There is so much love, joy, and wonder in the strip, as well as alter ego parts that, as a multiple (DID) I identify with. I love this strip!! This link to Rose Is Rose at United Media shows 30 days of strips at a time (and is updated with a new one each day).

Fidget Toys at Therapy Shoppe
Therapy Shoppe have a TON of fidget toys to help you or someone you love remain calm, de-stress, focus, self-regulate, keep alert, stimulate your senses, and more. I like to keep my hands busy when I’m nervous; it helps keep me centred. If you do, too, you’ll love this store.

Family Crafts at
Lots of craft ideas (and instructions) to make some nice gifts for the ones you love. Look at the links on the left hand side to find the kinds of gifts you might want to make.

Sesame Street online
This is a wonderful site for Sesame Street fans! There are free videos, games, and art projects with Sesame Street’s lovable monsters.

Make Your Own Bubbles!
Never run out of bubbles. 🙂 Make your own. Includes four different bubble recipes. Here’s another bubble recipe!

Like Dr. Seuss? Then you’ll love Seussville! There are TONS of neat games all based on different Dr. Seuss books. A great site!

Womyn's Music

Libby Roderick
Libby Roderick composes songs that are healing, strengthening, and political. See especially the lyrics for her song “How Could Anyone?”, a beautiful song of healing for survivors and anyone who’s been told that they were less than beautiful.

Margie Adam
Margie Adam’s music is soulful, deep, and healing. Her lyrics are beautiful and true, and her site is full of resources, and lyrics and sound clips for many of her albums. She also lists concert appearances and many resources. A not-to-be-missed site.

Cris Williamson
Cris’ music is well-known and loved in the womyn’s community, most especially for her beautiful, healing, and soothing album The Changer and the Changed. Her site has some photos, lyrics from her upcoming album, concert dates and times, some journal entries from on the road, and her email address.

Jamie Anderson
Jamie Anderson combines humour and politics in her stirring folk womyn’s music. Her lyrics are openly lesbian. Check out her photos of audiences – one half, then the other half. 🙂

Sweet Honey In the Rock
Sweet Honey in the Rock have beautiful, moving music. Their site lists their concert schedules and information about the individual members.

Lucie Blue Tremblay
Lucie Blue Tremblay There are sound clips for her new album, “Because of You,” a list of concert times and places, and a bio. She has rainbow flags in her photos.

Their archived site allows you to view a ton of womyn’s, lesbian, feminist, and alternative music. 


The Trevor Project (US)
24/7 support for young LGBTQIA+ people in crisis, suicidal, or in need of a safe, non-judgmental place to talk. You can call, text, chat, and more. 1-866-488-7386
or text TREVOR to 1-202-304-1200 (Canada)
YouthLine offers confidential and non-judgemental peer support through phone, text and chat services in Ontario, Sunday to Friday, 4:00PM to 9:30 PM. 647-694-4275

Trans Lifeline

Canada (877) 330-6366, US (877) 565-8860

Desi LGBTQ+ Helpline for South Asians (USA)


StrongHearts Native Helpline (USA)

1-844-7NATIVE (762-8483)

Blackline for Black, Indigenous, People of Colour through LGBTQ+ Black femme lens (USA)

1 (800) 604-5841

It Gets Better Project
Watch an endless stream of inspiring stories shared by LGBTQIA people. You will feel less alone!

GLAAD works through entertainment, news, and digital media to share stories from the LGBTQ community that accelerate acceptance. They also have many videos as well as downloadable reports and are part of organizing #SpiritDay and #BiWeek.

PFlag (US),  (Canada), (UK), (International).
The site for PFlag – Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians & Gays. They provide confidential peer support, education, and advocacy for LGBTQIA people, their parents and families, and allies. Need to educate a parent, family member, or friend? They offer a ton of free on-demand webinars, a hotline, as well as local peer-support groups.

Egale Canada
Egale works to improve the lives of LGBTQI2S people in Canada and to enhance the global response to LGBTQI2S issues. They offer corporate equity training, LGBTQI2S youth services, and LGBTQI2S senior services.

National LGBTQ Taskforce
US LGBTQ taskforce to advance full freedom, justice and equality for LGBTQ people.

I’m Here. I’m Queer. What the Hell do I Read?
A very extensive listing of over 200 GLBTQ Childrens and teen books, as well as links and reviews. Recommended!

Reads Rainbow
An extensive list of new and previous LGBTQIA releases from 2019 onward. You can sort by rep (sapphic, bi/pan, trans, etc), by trope, genre, and more.

Lesbian Links
Links to popular lesbian magazines, blogs, podcasts, books, films, and festivals.

A feminist online community for lesbian, bisexual, and otherwise inclined women, with articles, booklists and book reviews, poetry, comics, tv reports, community discussions, and more.

A database of lesbian, non-binary, and trans TV.

Suzanne Westenhoefer
The site of a fantastic, incredibly funny and dynamic lesbian comedian. You can email her there, look at some photos, and order her cds and video.

Wolfe Video
They have a wide selection of lesbian and lesbian interest films available for purchase.

Drawn to Comics: Kick Off 2018 With These 11 Queer Comics
Links to 11 queer comics via Autostraddle.

Baby, Queer Me One More Time: 39 MORE Indie Titles Doing Right by LGBTA Fans
More LGBTQIA comics and graphic novels.

Top Ten: My Favorite Lesbian Movies
A listing and brief description of the author’s Top 10 favorite lesbian movies. You might not agree with all of them (I didn’t) but some of them are fantastic!


Ultraviolet is a powerful feminist community that uses social media and online campaigns to fight against sexism, misogyny, and violence against women, and for maternity leave, equal pay, and reproductive rights, and more. I highly recommend them!
Lots of articles and anti-violence information.

Guerrilla Girls
A fantastic site that showcases the guerrilla girls’ powerful and funny feminist art. What they say hits home, and yet also entertains. A site to definitely explore!

Feminist Majority Foundation
Lots of resources here, including activist links, a research center, an online store, and a great search engine for feminist sites and resources .

Adios Barbie
An excellent and inspiring site about body image. Good for everyone to see.
an excellent site that is attempting to eliminate sexism and other forms of oppression from advertising.

About Face
“About-Face promotes positive self-esteem in girls and women of all ages, sizes, races, and backgrounds through a spirited approach to media education, outreach, and activism.” A great site that helps girls and women combat negative images of women in the media, and helps them get involved.

Bitch Media
A feminist response to mainstream media and popular culture, from the publishers of Bitch Magazine.

Feminist Book Finder
With links to feminist bookstores, presses, and search engines.

The Feminist Art Project

For Women
Do women lead, connect, and share differently? Get latest stories!

National Women’s History Alliance
A non-profit educational organization committed to recognizing and celebrating the diverse and significant historical accomplishments of women by providing information and educational materials and programs.

Imagining Ourselves
An award-winning exhibition of the International Museum of Women, connects young women around the world and inspires them to create positive change—in their own lives, their communities, or globally.

Global Fund For Women
They give grants to organizations led by women, girls, and trans people who are fighting for justice in their own communities, building social movements and challenging the status quo.

A community of women who strive to improve the lives and workplace for women through transparency. They share info about pay, corporate culture, benefits and work flexibility. They offer company ratingsjob listingsdiscussion boards and career advice.


How To Get Out Of A Bad Mood: 12 Tips Joyce Marter, LCPC on Psych Central
Treating ourselves with compassion and love, allowing ourselves to feel what we feel, and acknowledging our feelings can all help. This article on Psych Central has some good wisdom in it.

Get Your Angries Out
Tons of insightful articles on dealing with anger in a healthy way by Lynn Namka.  Well worth the visit.

Kirtana’s Music
Check out Kirtana’s music. She has a beautiful voice and her lyrics are very beautiful and gentle, too. My two favourites are “Come Out” and “Healing Rain” from her album Healing Rain. Check out the sample clips.

Dr. Grohol’s Psych Central
The oldest catalog of mental health links online, since 1995. There are TONS of resources here for a great number of issues. There are articles, quizzes, an incredible index of resources, a live chat, great links, and more.


More Self-Esteem
A site with lots of articles, tips, and links on self-esteem and self-confidence, and ways to increase your self-esteem (including using affirmations).

National Association for Self Esteem
A site with lots of resources on self esteem, including quotes, short articles (see self esteem booster), a quiz, products you can buy, pages for parents, and more. They also have a newsletter that tells readers about new self-esteem resources, research, and upcoming conferences.

19 Simple Ways to Boost Your Self-Esteem Quickly
Some good ideas on how to boost your self esteem. Some take longer than others (such as counselling.)

10 Smart Habits That Will Instantly Boost Your Self-Esteem
Some smart advice including being careful what you say to yourself and building up your strengths.

Body Image and Body Acceptance

Adios Barbie
An excellent and inspiring site about body image. Good for everyone to see.

Boosting body image at any weight. Lots of thoughtful, insightful information and resources. A great site.

Voluptuart offers various woman-positive and body-positive products for sale, including sculpture, jewelry, paper, functional products (mugs, bowls, boxes, etc), and wall art. They also have some short articles, poetry, and quotes on positive self-image and self-esteem.

Dove’s Self-Esteem Project
Offering a ton of articles to increase girls’ and women’s self-esteem and positive body image. The site has their TV and movie ad (a powerful and effective ad on beauty and positive body image), stats on body image, and more.

Love Your Body by Now Foundation
A site with information about things that negatively affect our body image, things we can do to promote positive body image, and some images of ads that are both positive and negative for body image. 

Eating Disorders

Something Fishy
A great site! LOTS of detailed information about eating disorders, the related issues (negative voices, self-hate, self-perception), signs and symptoms, healing, and ways to help. They also offer chat, bulletin boards, and an email newsletter, and articles and poetry by women who have experienced eating disorders. They make important connections between feeling awful about yourself (and reasons for that, such as sexual abuse) and eating disorders. A must see.

Mirror Mirror
A site that has good information on eating disorders, body image, self-harm, and links to helpful sites, including sites for survivors of abuse.

Nourishing Connections
A site to help people accept their bodies, stop dieting, heal eating problems, and focus on living. They provide articles, research, and a monthly e-zine.

National Eating Disorders Association
This site has tons of articles on eating disorders, offers a referral service, and puts on a yearly conference.

Healthy Place
An online community for mental health, this site has forums and chat rooms on eating disorders, transcripts from conferences, articles, news stories, and clips from shows all on eating disorders.

Domestic Abuse

National Domestic Violence Hotline (US)

Hotline service, information about domestic violence, and statistics.

Love Is Respect: National Teen Dating Abuse Hotline

1.866.331.9474 Text: LOVEIS to 22522

StrongHearts Native Helpline (USA)

1-844-7NATIVE (762-8483)

Assaulted Women’s Helpline (Canada)

Toll Free: 1-866-863-0511

Talk For Healing: Indigenous Women (ON, Canada)


Refuge: 24-hour National Domestic Abuse Hotline (UK)

0808 2000 247, 24/7

Domestic Violence in Gay Couples
A long article on domestic violence in lesbian/gay relationships, written by Richard Niolon, Ph.D.

Domestic Violence and Abuse
Recognizing the Signs of an Abusive Relationship and Getting Help
An article with concrete examples and resources that is also available as a PDF


Sexual Abuse And Sexual Assault

RAINN (Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network)
RAINN provides information and support for sexual violence survivors and those who support us. They have a hotline, live chat, an app, and a website with extensive information on sexual violence; what to do afterwards (including healing, and going to court); safety and prevention; survivor stories; and more. They also work on public policy; consulting and training; and are active on social media. This in one of the first places I would go to for help, support, and info on child sexual abuse, sexual assault, and sexual violence.

Hotline: 800.656.HOPE (4673)

Survivors Of Incest Anonymous

Offering support groups for incest and ritual abuse survivors following a 12-step program, blog posts, a conference, and articles you can buy. Even if you don’t follow 12 steps, you may find the support groups helpful.

Pandora’s Project.  Pandora’s Project offers peer support to survivors of rape, sexual assault, or sexual abuse through our online support group, links to articles, and more.

1 in 6. For male survivors of sexual abuse and assault. They offer 24/7 online chat with a trained advocate; online counselor-facilitated groups; articles; videos; and resources.

Shattering The Silence (PAVE)
PAVE is a movement creating a world free from sexual violence and building communities to support survivors. They promote awareness and work to empower survivors.  They offer survivor support, legal help, social advocacy, education and training, and more. 

Pave University – Learn How To Help Survivors & Prevent Assault
Learn how to help prevent sexual assault and support survivors through three free courses offered by PAVE University: Bystander Intervention, Consent, and Survivor Support.

Help for Adult Victims of Child Abuse (HAVOCA)
Information and support for adult survivors of childhood abuse, including an online support forum, a blog, book recommendations, and links to news. International, run by survivors.

WAVAW Rape Crisis Centre
Located in BC, Canada, they provide local support including hospital, police/court accompaniment, and counselling, as well as a national 24/7 support hotline, and provides support to survivors of sexualized violence who are of marginalized genders: cis and trans women, Two-Spirit, trans and/or non-binary people.

Local Rape Crisis Centre
Your local rape crisis center will also be able to offer support. Find your local center:

RAINN has a list of rape crisis centers organized by state.

In Canada: Ontario;  British Columbia (which also offers national support Toll-free: 1-877-392-7583); Ottawa; Alberta: Manitoba; New Brunswick; Nova Scotia; Prince Edward Island; Quebec; Saskatchewan; Newfoundland and Labrador; Yukon.

In England and Wales:
Rape Crisis England and Wales.

Invisible Girls Thrive
A site created by Dr. Patti Feuereisen for teen girls who are survivors of sexual abuse, who know a survivor, or who just want to know about sexual abuse. The site contains some good information on sexual abuse, ways survivors cope, how to get help, stories from teen survivors, and a section where teens can write to an expert. On most pages, there is a reminder that sexual abuse is never the survivor’s fault.

Gift From Within
A site for those who experience post-traumatic stress disorder (many survivors do). The site has an email/pen pal list, a Q & A, book reviews, poetry and art by survivors, and more. Some information may be triggering.

Strong at the Heart
Carolyn Lehman’s site for her book on sexual abuse and incest. This site has lots of great resources for survivors (for teens and adults), including recommended sites, books (fiction, non-fiction, and poetry), films, and organizations. There are also some great articles on how to help yourself or someone else who’s been sexually abused. And readers of the book may be interested in reading more about the author, or reading her blog. Worth checking out!

Help Lines & Support

It will get better. You just have to be here to see it happen. Compassionate support can make a huge, healing difference. If you’re in crisis, please reach out to one of these hotlines, or to someone you trust.

RAINN (Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network)
RAINN offers support for sexual abuse survivors, sexual assault and sexual violence survivors. Call them at 800-656-HOPE, or through their online chat or app. (24/7)

The Trevor Project
For LGBTQIA youth. If you are a young person in crisis, feeling suicidal, or in need of a safe and judgment-free place to talk, call the TrevorLifeline at 1-866-488-7386. They also offer text and chat. (24/7)

LGBT National Help Center. (US)
LGBT National Youth Line, 25 and under. 800-246-7743

LGBT National Helpline. 888-843-4564

LGBT National Senior Helpline. 888-234-7243.

They also offer support through chat, weekly youth chatgroups, and LGBT resources near you in the US.

National Child Abuse Hotline (US)
They offer support through calling, texting, and online chatting. 1-800-4-A-CHILD (1-800-422-4453) 

They offer support for dating abuse & domestic violence. Call 1-866-331-9474, online chat or text.

Crisis Textline
They offer 24/7 support through text. Text HOME to connect with a crisis counsellor: US and Canada: text 741741 | UK: text 85258 | Ireland: text 50808. You can also message with them on Facebook.

National Suicide Prevention LifeLine (US only)
For suicide prevention and support, call 800.273.TALK (8255) or chat online using the Lifeline Crisis Chat. 24/7.

Crisis Services Canada
Suicide prevention and support.  1-833-456-4566, available 24/7. You can also text 45645 (4pm-midnight).

Kids Help Phone (Canada).
They offer text, phone, and live chat support. Call a counsellor: 1-800-668-6868. Or text “CONNECT” to 686868 (also serving adults).

LGBT Youthline.
They offer text, phone, and live chat support. Call 647-694-4275 or text to chat with a peer support volunteer.

Befrienders Worldwide
Find a crisis and suicide hotline in your country. They list many resources worldwide.

Cult Torture & Abuse/Ritual Abuse

S.M.A.R.T. (Stop Ritual Abuse and Mind Control Today)
A site with tons of information on ritual abuse, put out by an organization that works to stop ritual abuse, and help survivors, through education. They have online articles, a bimonthly newsletter, an e-mail discussion list, and transcripts of their annual conferences. Some information may be triggering. They also have a short, but pretty good, definition of ritual abuse.

A website by survivors of ritual abuse, mind control, and torture for survivors, with extensive articles, links, difficult dates for cult survivors, a yearly conference, as well as webinars for both professionals and survivors, a journal, a membership area, books, art, and more.  They have some really good information in the FAQ (including a link to a reprogramming sheet), some great stuff in helpful pages for recovery (look at the links on the bottom of the home page), and some art and poetry up by survivors. They also have the full text up of Reasons Not To Kill Yourself. To access the discussion boards and online newsletter, you’ll need to become a paying member. They offer a sliding scale, and for those who can’t afford it, complimentary memberships.

Ritual Abuse, Ritual Crime, and Healing
Information and resources for survivors and professionals, with extensive articles and resources on ritual cult abuse and mind control/programming, links, a ritual calendar, conviction list, a bill of rights for survivors, sections for professionals, and more.  

International Cultic Studies Association (ICSA)

They provide tons of information, links to articles and videos on cult abuse, have links for survivors and family, researchers, therapists, the press, and more, and are international.

Report of the Ritual Abuse Task Force
One of the best, most comprehensive definitions on ritual abuse that I have ever read. Also goes into some detail of various forms of abuse, torture, and mind control that many cults use. There is a lot here that can be triggering.

The Greenbaum Speech (or Hypnosis in MPD: Ritual Abuse)
A speech about ritual abuse and programming. It mainly focuses on one series of programming, but is instructive and can be validating. A helpful starting place about programming. Can also be very TRIGGERING. Stay safe when reading it.




A grassroots, peer-led resource run by others with DID/Multiplicity including articles, videos, and resources, a paid-subscription online community with scholarships available, and events.

An Infinite Mind

Created by people with DID for people with DID, this site and community offers an annual Healing Together conference for survivors with dissociation/DID & their loved ones and therapists; trauma-informed educational trainings for mental health professionals through Limitless Learning Institute, and links to a ton of books and websites on DID, and DID forums. They also write articles for survivor journals and magazines, appear in the media, and speak at conferences to help increase awareness and change.


While focused on support for survivors of cusurvivorship.orglt abuse, mind control, and torture, since so many of us survivors are also DID they often have items written for DID people and from inner people in their Survivorship Journal.

Mosaic Minds

An online forum for people with DID, with discussion areas including for all inner ages, therapy, health, and fun. They also have a DID and survivor bookstore.

Poly-Fragmented Multiplicity
by Sara Lambert
A good, informative article about poly-fragmented multiplicity – a very common form of multiplicity, especially with ritual abuse survivors, but not as commonly known (or at least not as publicized in the media). If you have lots of parts and fragments inside, this is good to read (for validation)!

DID/MPD online forum at Psych Forums
An online forum for people with multliplicity/DID. I’ve never tried it, but it’s a possible resource.

The Mighty: Dissociative Identity Disorder
The Mighty has a section on DID where users post about their experiences. Some of the posts can be helpful or validating. You have to create a login to read.

Dissociative identity disorder exists and is the result of childhood trauma
An article on DID.

Beauty After Bruises.US childhood trauma survivors with C-PTSD and/or DID can apply for grants for therapy treatment.

A Life After Trauma.  They have links to ton of resources here for people with DID, PTSD, child abuse, and mental health issues, including online support groups, social media, books, as well as links to therapists, conferences, and hotlines.

International Society For The Study Of Trauma And Dissociation. If you’re looking for a therapist who specializes in DID and trauma, this is one resource to turn to.


Reasons Not To Hurt Yourself (by author Cheryl Rainfield)
A heartfelt list of reasons not to hurt yourself by Cheryl Rainfield, author of SCARS. These are the things that helped me. I hope they’ll help you, too.

What To Do When You Feel Like Harming Yourself (by Cheryl Rainfield, author of SCARS, STAINED)
A detailed article on things that helped me to stop self-harming and keep safe.

How To Stop Self-Harming (by author Cheryl Rainfield)
These are the things that helped me stop self-harming; I hope they’ll help you, too.

Alternatives To Self-Harm (by author Cheryl Rainfield)
You don’t deserve to be hurt–not by anyone, not even yourself. Here are some alternatives to self-harm that may help you (they helped me). If you can use positive distraction, you may find it helps you.

Helpful Responses To Someone Who’s Self-Harmed (by author Cheryl Rainfield)
Often people don’t know how to respond–what to say or do–when they find out a friend, child, or loved one has been using self-harm to cope. Here are some suggestions from Cheryl Rainfield, who used self-harm to cope for many years.

Self-Inflicted Violence: Helping Those Who Hurt Themselves by Tracy Alderman, Ph.D
A good article for families and friends on self-harm. Introductory but somewhat in depth. You Are NOT The Only One
There is a LOT of good information here; it’s a very dense site. Take it slowly, and use what works for you. There’s some nice stuff in her section about living with self-injury, and a section for family and friends to read. A nice place to get some validation and insight, and to help educate others. The first place I’d go to about self-harm.

To Write Love On Her Arms
A site full of helpful articles, information, and inspiration with a message of hope and help.

This site has some good information written as booklets that you can download and read, or open up online to read, with an explanation of why people self-harm, how to tell people about it, how to take care of your body after self-harm, and ideas about ways to prevent or put off self-harm acts. Some of the information may be triggering.

Healing the Hurt Within by Jan Sutton
Need more information on self-harm? You might want to consider getting Healing the Hurt Within. It’s an informative, sensitive book on self-harm written by Jan Sutton. Sutton clearly understands that there are many reasons that people use self-harm, and that many survivors of abuse use or have used self-harm to cope or to hurt/punish themselves. This is a good book to help bring greater understanding on a painful issue.

Self-Injury Awareness Day (SIAD) – March 1, worldwide
Includes things you can do to increase awareness about self-harm; downloadable fact sheets and posters; ebook on self-harm; a message board; Facebook page; e-newsletter; and more.

Recover Your Life
Online self-harm support community featuring articles; forums; chat & live help (24/7); & more.

National Self Harm Network (UK based, open to people worldwide)
A site that supports survivors and people who self-harm. There is a great article on myths about self-harm, online forums for survivors, and separate ones for family and friends, and some literature you can download. They’re currently redesigning their site, but their forum is still active, and they still have PDF downloads available explaining self-harm; family & friends: what to do and what not to do; distractions; & more.

Alternatives to Self Injury
Tons of alternatives to help you not self-harm. Has some excellent, practical, down-to-earth suggestions from someone who understands. (However, the support board is closed.)

Re-Think Mental Illness: Self-Harm

Some good information here presented in a supportive, non-judgmental way, including what self-harm is and why people do it; who to tell and how.

Questions about Self-Injury? You can phone 1-800-DONTCUT in the US, or email This is not crisis support, but they will answer questions.

If you need more support, please contact crisis hotlines. There are some good ones in this list.


Reasons Not To Kill Yourself (by author Cheryl Rainfield). 
These are the things that helped me. I hope they’ll help you, too.

Find Your Anchor free boxes
If you are struggling with suicide and despair, you can order this free Find Your Anchor box which includes 52 reasons to live cards, stickers, poster, resources, and more.

They rely entirely on donations, so if you can afford to send them some money that will help them, but if you can’t and are in the US they will send it to you for free. If you’re outside of the US they need $15 US or more to cover the shipping costs.

If you or someone you love has struggled with suicide, this can be a resource that may help. And if you can afford it, please consider donating to them.

Crisis lines that you can call, text, or email if you need support
If you’re in crisis or having a hard time, it can help to talk it out. These support lines can help you. You can call, text, or email them: TeenLine
Distress Centre
Crisis Text Line lists a lot of online and phone helplines
live chat with RAINN. You can also phone them. They’re especially good with survivors of rape, incest, and abuse.

Youth Suicide Prevention (Canada)

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (USA)
This site has a lot of helpful resources, including getting help for yourselflinks to help others online (including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Tumblr etc) if they’ve talked about suicidestories of hope and recovery, and more.

Befrienders Worldwide: Find a hotline in your country

It Gets Better video by author Cheryl Rainfield.
A heartfelt video by Cheryl Rainfield, author of SCARS and STAINED. I was abused and tortured as a child and teen, bullied at school, dealt with homophobia. I wanted to die most of those years. But things got better. And they will for you, too.

If You’re Thinking Of Suicide…Please Do Not Kill Yourself Because…. (by author Cheryl Rainfield)
Thoughtful, emotional reasons to not kill yourself from Cheryl Rainfield, YA author of SCARS and STAINED. I’ve been there. I know how bad it can be. But I also know that it can and will get better. It did for me. It can for you. So please hang in there.

Society For the Prevention of Teen Suicide
Some short articles for teens and parents, including warning signs of suicide, when a friend dies, a link to a helpful online support service on suicide, and a hotline number to call if you’re thinking about suicide (1-800-273-TALK).

Handling A Call From a Suicidal Person
A very helpful, compassionate article with some very true and real advice, such as to be yourself; the words are unimportant, it’s the caring that helps.

If you’re feeling suicidal, click the above link to e-mail a trained volunteer counselor. They try to reply within 24 hours. It says on their site that they “listen in total confidence and without judgement, whatever your situation.”

If You Are Thinking About Suicide, read this first
A very helpful, comforting page if you’re feeling suicidal.

If you need more support, please contact crisis hotlines. There are some good ones in this list.

Grounding & Keeping Safe

6 Exercises for Positive Emotions: Start Your Upward Spiral Today
These exercises may help you shift your mood into a more positive one, including journalling 3 blessings; practicing mindfulness; and reframing negative events. Worth the read!

10 Relaxation Techniques To Reduce Stress
If you’re stressed or having a hard time, these techniques you can use to help you. 

Staying Safe – from Mosaic Minds
Suggestions for what to do to ground when you’re feeling triggered, and an explanation of being triggered.

Grounding Exercises
Some good suggestions and reminders on how to anchor yourself in the present..


Pacer’s National Bullying Prevention Center
Lots of articles and resources including on Cyber Bullying, book suggestions, information handouts, free educational lesson plans, and more.

PrevNet: Promoting Relationships & Eliminating Violence Network
Canada’s national network of leading researchers and organizations, working together to stop bullying. There are a ton of facts (signs, dangers, solutions), research, articles, and more.

Bullying Online
Being bullied at school? Know someone who is? You can get help from this site. There are TONS of short articles on this site about bullying for students, parents, and schools. There is some good advice here. They outline what bullying is, and give you some ideas about how to respond. They also briefly address homophobic bullying. If, after reading the articles, you still need help or someone to listen to you, you can email the people at Bullying Online.

Street Harassment

Download a free guide to bystander prevention, give or find support to people facing harassment online, get training for businesses, share your story, and more.
SO much great info, with help and advice, a hotline, articles and information, a way to share your street harassment story, and more. I love that they included homophobic slurs (that need to stop).

Street Harassment Isn’t A Compliment by Naomi Fox on Canadian Women’s Foundation
A good article with links to other articles and resources.

The #MeToo Movement In Canada
More good info


Recovery Resource Links
A large list of recovery sites, listed by subject, including abuse, emotions, depression, and lesbian issues.

HelpGuide: Addictions
Articles and help on various addictions, including alcohol, drug abuse, gambling, smoking, even smartphone addiction.

Mental Health and Substance Abuse at HereToHelp
They have a section for support of yourself, and support for others, with self-screening tests, info sheets, workbooks, Q&A, and more. Though they are for BC Canada anyone can access their online info.

Make A Difference

Sign petitions and get involved in issues that affect women and children. This is a fantastic grassroots organization.

BRANDED Collective
Buy beautiful, meaningful jewelry made by survivors of human trafficking such as their “Beauty from darkness” bracelets. This collective works with Nashville-based non-profit End Slavery Tennessee, and 10% of the sales go directly back to ESTN. The women collaborate with local artisans to design and handcraft the jewelry collection. Each piece is marked with the initial of the woman who made it; you can find her story and share your own at

Do Some Good
Do Some Good connects people like you, charitable organizations, and businesses to make a meaningful impact in communities all across Canada. Share stories on social media, volunteer, donate money, or shop at stores that donate to community causes.

Projects For Good
Donate to local or global causes with money and/or your expertise, share the causes on social media, or find a job with a worthy cause. You can search by causes, including Children & Youth; Arts & Culture; Disaster Relief; Community; and more.

I believe that signing petitions can make a difference. You can find a ton of worthy petitions to sign here.
There are lots of petitions for worthy causes that you can sing, and you can hear the results. Petitions make a difference, and it doesn’t take long to sign.

Donate Old Cell Phones
Donate your old cell phone so it can be refurbished and reused, or recycled. You can find many places in the US here and here and in Canada here.

The Breast Cancer Site
Donate a free mammogram (breast exam) to underprivileged women by clicking on their “donate a mammogram” pink button. Help prevent breast cancer!

Lend as little as $25 and watch it truly help individuals striving to make their lives better. You choose who your money goes to, and can search even by things such as books or women.

Shop Ethically

Shop at your local indie stores if you can (especially indie bookstores); this supports your community and gives you a personalized shopping experience, often with great advice on what to get. Also consider buying from individual artists, such as on Etsy.

Buy From Individual Artists

You can find many indie artists and crafters selling goods on and, as well as original prints and stickers on Redbubble.

The Little Market

They sell ethically sourced, artisan-made products from artisan groups in underserved communities including refugees, people with disabilities, young mothers, survivors of sex trafficking, and individuals living in extreme poverty. They sell stuffed toys (even a knitted narwhal and an alpaca-stuffed unicorn), scented candles, soaps, bath bombs, and other spa items, bags and jewelry, home decor, and more.

Kiva Store

Buy handmade fair-trade artisan gifts from Kiva artisans around the world, and help artisans succeed. You can input your country to make sure they ship to you, and you can also sort from lowest to highest prices or the reverse, and region made. There are handmade sculptures, jewelry, home decor, holiday decor, clothing and bags, and more.

Ten Thousand Villages
They are a global maker‑to‑market movement that breaks the cycle of generational poverty and ignites social change. They’re a way to shop with intention for ethically-sourced wares.

A quick, easy, and affordable way to discover companies that you can feel good about supporting, and use your purchasing power for good. DoneGood has compiled over 300 brands that incorporate social good, and that help reduce poverty, help women escape sex trafficking, fight child labor, fight climate change, are women-and-minority owned, and more–while offering discounts for many of the products. Have something you need to buy? Check here first. US based.

BRANDED Collective
Buy beautiful, meaningful jewelry made by survivors of human trafficking such as their “Beauty from darkness” bracelets. This collective works with Nashville-based non-profit End Slavery Tennessee, and 10% of the sales go directly back to ESTN. The women collaborate with local artisans to design and handcraft the jewelry collection. Each piece is marked with the initial of the woman who made it; you can find her story and share your own at

Ethical Shopping Guide
A huge list of links to shops and brands with a conscience.

Honest Company
A wellness company with products for bath and body, laundry and cleaning, gifts, baby, and more. Jessica Alba created the Honest Company “because you shouldn’t have to choose between what works and what’s good for you.” They believe that a happy, healthy life should be a right, not a privilege.

Tuesday Bassen
Inclusive clothing in sizes XXS-5X with an emphasis on adjustable fit for body diversity, as well as local, ethical production.